The English Teaching Job AGENCY in Thailand That Got Me Broke. As In Broke! Like Broke!


at the office my face pic

Almost two months ago, I found an English teaching job agency through an SWD facebook group. The office was located in Sai Mai Soi 55. It was called ACC. I sent my updated CV to their Email address and received a call straight away. I was told to report to their office right away. Two days later I went to the office in Sai Mai Soi 55. That was quite far from mine. It took me like 3 hours to get there. I didn’t get any transpo allowance but it was fine cause I was the one who was in need of a job. And so I was interviewed and later was got to give a demo lesson.

Everything went well. And so I was hired by ACC. I had several appointments with the agency and had spent a lot of money on transportation and food. I was always told to report to the office without anything in return although I had known that when I get started with the job, I would only make 280 Bhat an hour.

tapat ng agency

One day when I was enjoying a sunny afternoon walking around my ends I received a call from ACC asking me to participate at some camp without compensation. WTF. I just told the office that my money wasn’t sufficient to travel to Bangkok for that event. And so I turned down their invitation but some teachers did participate anyway and didn’t get anything in return. That was a shame!

I was gonna quit and  was gonna totally turn down this agency but the bloke who brought me in to the agency had been so nice to me. He was like laid-back so I didn’t  quit.

I waited for the district demo schedule for ages and didn’t get any schedule. So I was like waiting for nothing for like five weeks. And so I asked them if they were really going to employ me or not. And then a couple of days later I was told to report to the office again to prepare for a demo.

demo sa BanBankapi 2

I had a demo at BanBangkapi Matthayom in Bangkok. Everything went well and later on I was told by the agency officer that I got the job. And so looked forward to getting started with the school.  A couple of days later I was advised by the agency to get a new visa immediately so I wouldn’t need to take a leave during the first week  of school.  And so I went to Laos and got a visa on my own expense.  Until that day, I hadn’t received anything in return from the agency.

got the visa

I was advised by the office to move to Bangkapi. And so after I got my visa I moved to Bangkapi  which was  just a stone’s throw away from BanBangkapi Matthayom.

pwede na daw ako lumipat

I had spent a lot of money. I moved to Bangkapi with my boyfriend. And the agency didn’t cover the down payment on the new apartment. That was a shame!

The day came that we had to go to Bangkapi  district for confirmation and things like that.

please report daw sa Bangkapi district

I was told by the woman agency officer to not to tell the district officers about the name of the agency. I was told to tell them I was a teacher from another agency called Nutty. That was a shame! I asked the woman “why?” and she was like “long story”. After a few minutes we went in to the office. The woman agency officer was with me and was also  applying for a teaching position but she told me to pretend that I didn’t know her. But later on everyone found out that she had something to do with me.  My name was not in the list of teachers who were going to start in November. The district officer turned around and checked with another office. I found out that I didn’t get the job. And so I was told by the woman agency officer to step out and wait for her call.

no name

awan name ko dijay list

I wasted a lot of money and time. My boyfriend quit his job just to be with me in Bangkok. And so both of us had been jobless for almost three weeks. I asked my agency to reimburse the money I used to make my down payment for the apartment in Bangkapi. After a couple of days I got my money back but still me and my boyfriend were jobless.  Fucking helI! I wish I hadn’t listened to that agency. I wish I hadn’t moved to Bangkapi. What a big mistake.

madam need ko talaga work

ano po balita.jpg

ket sapay kuma han yo cyak pinaalis.jpg

Two days after I got my money back I received a call from the agency. I was told to report to the office again for another demo. The Thai agency leader wanted to see me teach and stuff although she had already seen me teach in a video that that was filmed like three weeks ago before I found out that this agency was no good at all. And I said, nah nah. I was like “ I’m sorry but I got a part time job already” the person on the other line said the Thai officer wanted to help me. I was like(in my mind) “ No way. You wasted my time, effort and money, How there you ask me to report to your office again”? OMG.

Until now me and my boyfriend are jobless. He can’t get back to his previous employer. And we cannot go back to our previous apartment in the province either. And now we gotta deal with all the expenses in Bangkok. Apartment, city services, food, and so on. My online teaching helps us get by. I’m not making enough, though.

My Angel


I never thought I would find the right man for me in Thailand. I left the school and took off to my boyfriend’s straight away. We really missed each other so much. We made love right away and we were just so happy. And we make love every day and every night like there’s no tomorrow. We love each other so much and we knew it from the very start that we would grow old together. My life had never been complete until I found him. He is my life. Now you’re probably wondering how we get by. Of course I’m jobless. And so Mike, my boyfriend is the one that brings in money. He works all day. I teach English part time online but to be honest, I’m not making enough. I need to save up money for my visa and for my mum in the Philippines. The flat rent and city services are Mike’s concern. He brings me breakfast in the morning at around 8 o’clock when he is not busy. His work is just a stone’s throw away from our flat. He usually leaves for work at 5 AM. I go to the shop to lunch with him and get back to the flat at around 3:30 pm to teach online.  In my free time at around 6 pm, I make our dinner and he gets home at around 7:30.  We take it easy after dinner. I teach again for like 2 hours.  After teaching, we make love and talk about our future. This is our daily routine. We usually talk about our marriage and things we want to do in the future like travelling the world and stuff. Sometimes he asks for a leave and we spend the whole day outside you know biking, food, taking selfies, and at night we go for a walk. We go for a walk like three times a week but when he’s on holiday, we spend more time walking around the ends seeing interesting sights. And sometimes we talk about our family, friends, and our past but we are focused on present and future. Mike is a good bloke and I love him with all my heart, body, and soul.